Acetazolamide Prescription Online

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Acetazolamide - Overview

Acetazolamide is a medication that is sometimes used in conditions such as altitude sickness, glaucoma, and heart failure. Push Health can connect people who need an acetazolamide prescription with a medical provider who can prescribe acetazolamide medication, including acetazolamide 500 mg and acetazolamide 250 mg, when appropriate to do so.

Acetazolamide - Mechanism of Action

Acetazolamide prescription medication was previously marketed under the brand name Diamox and belongs to a class of medications known as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme that is involved with the reabsorption of specific ions - an action that is blocked by acetazolamide medication. Through its action, acetazolamide medication causes the excretion of bicarbonate which causes the body to hyperventilate to compensate for acidification in the blood. Hyperventilation results lower levels of carbon dioxide and higher levels of oxygen - a state which can be beneficial in higher altitudes. Other uses for acetazolamide prescription medication have been contemplated.

Acetazolamide - Dosage and Cost

Acetazolamide capsules are usually available as acetazolamide 125 mg, acetazolamide 250 mg and acetazolamide 500 mg tablets. For the prevention of mountain sickness, acetazolamide is often prescribed as acetazolamide 125 mg or acetazolamide 250 mg orally two to three times per day starting one to two days before ascent and continuing at least five days while at altitude. Acetazolamide can also be considered a diuretic medication. Acetazolamide medication is moderately affordable at under $1 per acetazolamide pill at most pharmacies and some of that cost might be covered by one's insurance plan. Acetazolamide coupons might also be available online for people looking to reduce the cost even further.

Can I Buy Acetazolamide Online?

Acetazolamide is a prescription medication in the United States and, as a result, acetazolamide OTC is not available. Additionally, one cannot simply buy acetazolamide online as the initial step is getting an acetazolamide prescription after a consultation with a medical provider. Push Health can connect people who might need acetazolamide prescription medication with an online medical provider who can prescribe acetazolamide medication, including acetazolamide 250 mg and acetazolamide 500 mg capsules, when appropriate to do so.

Acetazolamide - Side Effects

Acetazolamide prescription medication, like other medications, can cause side effects but is generally tolerated well. Side effects include loss of appetite, tinnitus, trouble sleeping, nausea, vomiting and numbness as well as electrolyte imbalances such as low sodium or potassium. Acetazolamide medication should not be used by anyone who has had a hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to a sulfonamide or to the medication in the past. Acetazolamide should generally not be used by people with liver or kidney problems. Acetazolamide and alcohol use should be avoided. Before using acetazolamide prescription capsules, patients should discuss potential side effects and other concerns with their pharmacist and medical provider.

More Acetazolamide Information

Last updated September 27, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.