Cimetidine Prescription Online

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Cimetidine - Overview

Cimetidine, previously marketed under the brand name Tagamet, is a type of medication used in helping people with heartburn associated with acid ingestion. Push Health helps people who need a cimetidine prescription connect with an online medical provider who can prescribe cimetidine medication, including cimetidine 200 mg and cimetidine 400 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.

What Is Cimetidine Used For?

Cimetidine is a medication that belongs to a class of medications known as histamine H2 receptor antagonists - similar to famotidine (Pepcid). In this capacity, cimetidine medication helps reduce stomach acid production. Cimetidine is used to relieve heartburn associated with acid indigestion and prevent heartburn associated with acid indigestion. Cimetidine and wart treatment has also been linked previously but no conclusive evidence has found benefit to date. Cimetidine may also have effects on androgen hormones in the body. Cimetidine's mechanism of action is different from that of omeprazole (Prilosec). Research is being done looking at other applications for cimetidine medication as well.

Cimetidine - Dosage And Cost

After oral administration, cimetidine tablets are absorbed rapidly and starts working within 30 minutes. Peak cimetidine levels occur within 3 hours as is metabolized by the liver. Elimination occurs primarily via the urine and cimetidine exhibits an elimination half-life of just over 2 hours. Many recommended cimetidine regimens start with 1 cimetidine 200 mg tablet although some people may take cimetidine 400 mg daily, depending on the recommendation of their medical provider. Cimetidine tablets are considered slightly expensive, costing approximately 50 cents per cimetidine 400 mg tablet at many pharmacies. Insurance may cover the cost of cimetidine but it depends on the insurance plan. Cimetidine coupons may also be available online to help cover some of the cost.

Can I Buy Cimetidine Online?

Some versions of cimetidine medication are available as cimetidine OTC (over the counter) in the United States. Other forms of cimetidine require a prescription and, for prescription versions, one cannot buy the cimetidine online legally in the United States. People who need a cimetidine prescription, however, can connect with a medical provider on Push Health who can prescribe cimetidine tablets, including cimetidine 400 mg and cimetidine 200 mg medication, when appropriate to do so.

Cimetidine - Side Effects

Cimetidine, like other medications, can cause side effects. Side effects related to cimetidine use include rash, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, loss of libido and myalgia. People who have a cimetidine hypersensitivity or allergy should not use the medication. Cimetidine prescription medication can interact with other medications when used concomitantly and care should be taken in those situations. Cimetidine and alcohol should not be used together. Concerns about possible side effects related to cimetidine tablet use should be discussed with one's pharmacist and medical provider.

More Cimetidine Information

Last updated June 9, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.