Colestipol Online Prescription

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Colestipol - Overview

Colestipol, marketed under the brand name Colestid, is a medication used in people who need help lowering lipid and cholesterol levels. People who need a colestipol prescription can use Push Health to connect with a medical provider who can prescribe colestipol HCl medication, including generic micronized colestipol hydrochloride tablets, when appropriate to do so.

What Is Colestipol Used For?

Colestipol, containing the main ingredient colestipol hydrochloride (colestipol HCl), is a type of bile-acid sequestrant. Colestipol, like the medication cholestyramine (Prevalite, Questran) works by binding bile acids secreted into the intestines and excreting these acids in the feces. By removing bile acids from the body, colestipol reduces the amount of bile acids reabsorbed by the body. Because cholesterol is used in the synthesis of bile acids, the effect of colestipol's actions in many people is an overall lowering of lipid and cholesterol levels. Lipid levels should be monitored regularly to assess the impact of colestipol therapy and titrate the medication dose as necessary.

Colestipol - Dosage and Cost

Colestipol hydrochloride itself is an anion-exchange copolymer which enlarges due to its tendency to absorb water. Colestipol powder has no odor or taste and each packet of colestipol contains colestipol HCl (five grams). Colestipol hydrochloride should be mixed with water before being ingested and it should not be used at the same time as other medications to avoid cross reaction. Often, the starting regimen is one dose of colestipol (one packet) once daily. The colestipol dose can be increased to twice daily and up to six packets per day depending on the patient's specific needs and the judgement of the prescribing medical provider. Colestipol tablets are moderately affordable, costing under 50 cents for colestipol one gram tablets at many pharmacies in the United States. Colestipol coupons can sometimes be found online. The costs associated with a colestipol prescription may be covered by one's insurance plan, depending on the insurance coverage.

Can I Buy Colestipol Online?

Colestipol medication requires a prescription before it can be dispensed by pharmacy in the United States. As a result, colestipol OTC is not available and one cannot just buy colestipol online. The first step to getting a colestipol HCl prescription is a consultation with a medical provider, and Push Health can connect people who need a colestipol prescription with a provider who can prescribe colestipol prescription medication when appropriate to do so.

Colestipol - Side Effects

Colestipol medication can cause side effects when used but is typically well tolerated. Side effects that may result from colestipol use include constipation, bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramping and discomfort, heartburn and diarrhea. If used excessively, colestipol can cause intestinal obstruction. Colestipol and alcohol should not be used together. People who have a known hypersensitivity to colestipol should not use the medication. Before using colestipol, it is necessary to discuss concerns and possible side effects with one's medical provider and pharmacist.

More Colestipol Information

Last updated June 11, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.