Febuxostat Prescription Online

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Febuxostat - Overview

Febuxostat is a medication prescribed to some patients who have hyperuricemia and gout. People who might need a febuxostat prescription, including febuxostat 40 mg and generic febuxostat 80 mg, can use Push Health to connect with a medical provider who can prescribe febuxostat medication, including febuxostat 40 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.

What Is Febuxostat?

Febuxostat, marketed under the brand name Uloric, is a medication sometimes prescribed to people with high uric acid levels and gout. Febuxostat, like allopurinol (Zyloprim), belongs to a class of medication known as xanthine oxidase inhibitors. Through inhibiting this enzyme, febuxostat interferes with the metabolism of nucleotides known as purines. Eventually, this activity lowers the production of uric acid, leading to lower uric acid levels - thereby reducing the likelihood of experiencing gout.

Febuxostat - Dosage and Cost

The starting dose of febuxostat is typically febuxostat 40 mg once per day which is then sometimes titrated to febuxostat 80 mg daily, depending on how the patient responds to the medication. Ultimately, the starting dose of febuxostat medication used depends on the judgement of the prescribing medical provider and the health needs of the patient. Febuxostat can be taken with or without food although care should be taken when prescribed to people with kidney dysfunction. While branded febuxostat is expensive, generic febuxostat is moderately priced, costing approximately $2.50 per febuxostat 40 mg tablet at many pharmacies in the United States. Febuxostat coupons can sometimes be found online or through other sources and some insurance plans may also cover costs associated with a febuxostat tablet prescription.

Can I Buy Febuxostat Online?

Febuxostat is a prescription medication in the United States meaning that febuxostat OTC is not available to be dispensed by pharmacies. Additionally, one cannot just buy febuxostat online without first consulting a licensed medical provider to obtain a prescription for febuxostat tablets. People who might need a febuxostat prescription, however, can use Push Health to connect with a local medical provider who can prescribe febuxostat medication when appropriate to do so.

Febuxostat - Side Effects

Febuxostat prescription medication can cause side effects when used but is generally tolerated well. Side effects that may result from febuxostat tablet use include nausea, joint pain, rash, liver problems and vomiting. Febuxostat should generally not be prescribed to patients with cardiovascular disease. People using azathioprine or mercaptopurine should not take febuxostat. Febuxostat and alcohol should not be used together. People with a known hypersensitivity to febuxostat or similar medications should not use it. Prior to taking febuxostat tablets, it is important to discuss possible side effects and other concerns with a qualified medical practitioner.

More Febuxostat Information

Last updated June 16, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.