Keppra Online Prescription
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Keppra - Overview
Keppra is a medication used in the management of different types of seizure disorders. People who need a Keppra medication prescription can use Push Health to connect with a local medical provider who can prescribe Keppra medication, including Keppra 500 mg and Keppra XR tablets, when appropriate to do so.
What Is Keppra Used For?
Keppra is a medication sometimes prescribed in some patients with epilepsy. Keppra contains the active ingredient levetiracetam. It is not entirely clear how the active ingredient in Keppra works on people with seizures. However, Keppra may help reduce generalized activity that is triggered from a focal seizure. Following oral administration, Keppra is rapidly absorbed and the drug distributes between the intracellular and extracellular spaces. A good amount of Keppra is excreted via the kidneys after an observed elimination half-life of approximately eight hours in healthy people.
Keppra - Dosage and Cost
In adults, Keppra prescription tablets is sometimes started at Keppra 1000 mg / day, broken up as Keppra 500 mg twice per day. Depending on the judgement of the prescribing medical provider and the health needs of the patient, the starting dose of Keppra might be different or titrated to a different Keppra dose. While branded Keppra is expensive when paying out of pocket, generic Keppra is affordable, costing under 30 cents per Keppra 500 mg tablet at many pharmacies in the United States. Some insurance plans may also cover costs associated with Keppra medication and Keppra coupons can sometimes be found online. Keppra is typically available as Keppra 250 mg tablets, Keppra 500 mg tablets, Keppra 750 mg tablets and Keppra 1000 mg tablets. Keppra is also available as a 100 mg / mL colorless solution.
Can I Buy Keppra Online?
One cannot simply buy Keppra online in the United States as Keppra is a prescription medication that first requires a consultation with a medical provider before it can be dispensed by a pharmacy. Because of this, Keppra OTC is not available, either. People who need a Keppra medication prescription, however, can use Push Health to connect with a local medical provider who can prescribe Keppra medication, including Keppra XR and Keppra 500 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.
Keppra - Side Effects
Before using Keppra prescription medication, it is important to discuss possible side effects and other concerns with one's medical provider. Side effects that can result from Keppra medication use include nausea, diarrhea, rash, vomiting, weight gain, abdominal and back pain, heartburn, bruising and gum issues. Keppra medication can interact with other drugs and care should be taken when prescribed with other medications. Keppra and alcohol should not be used together. People with a known hypersensitivity to Keppra or ingredients in the formulation should not use Keppra prescription tablets.
More Keppra Information
Last updated June 23, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.