Mefenamic Acid Prescription Online

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Mefenamic Acid - Overview

Mefenamic acid is a medication sometimes prescribed to people who need relief from mild pain, including menstrual pain. People who might need a mefenamic acid prescription can use Push Health to connect with a local medical provider who can prescribe mefenamic acid medication, including mefenamic acid 500 mg and mefenamic acid 250 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.

Mefenamic Acid - Dosage and Cost

Mefenamic acid is sometimes marketed under the brand Ponstel and, like celecoxib (Celebrex), ibuprofen (Motrin), meloxicam (Mobic) and naproxen (Naprosyn), belongs to a class of medications known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Mefenamic acid can help bring relief from mild to moderate pain, including menstrual pain, and potentially other pain syndromes. It is not entirely clear how mefenamic acid exerts its actions but it may involve modulation of prostaglandins in the body. Mefenamic acid is sometimes prescribed with a loading dose of mefenamic acid 500 mg followed by mefenamic acid 250 mg at various times during the day, depending on the health needs of the patient. Mefenamic acid tablets are moderately affordable, costing approximately $4 per mefenamic acid tablet at many pharmacies in the United States. Mefenamic acid coupons may help reduce the cost of a mefenamic acid prescription and some insurance plans may help with costs associated with a mefenamic acid prescription.

Can I Buy Mefenamic Acid Online?

Mefenamic acid requires a prescription to be obtained at a pharmacy in the United States. Due to this restriction, mefenamic acid OTC is not available and it is not possible to just buy mefenamic acid online as the initial step is getting a mefenamic acid prescription from a licensed medical provider. People who might need a mefenamic acid prescription, however, can connect with a licensed provider through Push Health who can prescribe mefenamic acid medication, including mefenamic acid 500 mg and mefenamic acid 250 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.

Mefenamic Acid - Side Effects

Mefenamic acid prescription medication can cause side effects such as nausea, abdominal discomfort, vomiting and fatigue. People with a history of liver problems should generally avoid using mefenamic acid medication. Mefenamic acid can cause kidney dysfunction, particularly when used excessively. Prior to using mefenamic acid tablets, questions and concerns should be discussed with a pharmacist and qualified medical provider. Mefenamic acid and alcohol should generally not be used together. People with an allergy to mefenamic acid or similar medications should avoid using mefenamic acid prescription medication.

More Mefenamic Acid Information

Last updated March 21, 2022. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.