Prempro Prescription Online

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Prempro - Overview

Prempro is a medication sometimes prescribed to women who are having symptoms due to menopause. Women who might need a Prempro prescription can use Push Health to connect with a medical provider who can prescribe Prempro medication, including Prempro 0.3 mg / 1.5 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.

Prempro - Dosage and Cost

Prempro is a combination of two different drugs - estrogen (estradiol) and medroxyprogesterone and is sometimes prescribed to women who are having symptoms related to menopause. Prempro medication is generally started at the lowest dose possible and titrated as needed based the patient's response to Prempro prescription tablets. Currently, generic Prempro medication is not available and branded Prempro tablets are expensive costing approximately $200 per package of Prempro 0.3 mg / 1.5 mg tablets. Women paying out of pocket of Prempro prescription tablets will want to look for Prempro coupons and check for any insurance coverage for Prempro prescription medication.

Can I Buy Prempro Online?

Prempro requires a prescription in order to be obtained at a pharmacy in the United States. The first step to getting a Prempro prescription is consulting a medical provider and one cannot just buy Prempro online or get Prempro OTC (over the counter). Women who are in need of Prempro prescription medication, however, can use Push Health to connect with a medical provider online who can prescribe Prempro tablets, including Prempro 0.3 mg / 1.5 mg medication, when appropriate to do so.

Prempro - Side Effects

Prempro medication can cause side effects when used, including nausea, diarrhea, back pain, pelvic pain, flatulence and cramping. People with a history of heart attack, stroke, blood clots or certain types of cancer should only use Prempro medication when directed to do so by their medical provider. Prior to using Prempro prescription tablets, it is important that patients discuss potential side effects with a licensed medical provider. Prempro should not be used with alcohol or tobacco. Women with a hypersensitivity to Prempro tablets to similar hormone medications should not use Prempro prescription medication.

More Prempro Information

Last updated July 14, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.