Sucralfate Prescription Online

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Sucralfate - Overview

Sucralfate is a medication primarily used in the management of duodenal ulcers. Push Health can connect people who might need a sucralfate prescription with licensed provider who can prescribe sucralfate medication, including generic sucralfate 1 gm tablets, when appropriate to do so.

What Is Sucralfate Used For?

Sucralfate prescription medication, marketed under the name Carafate, is a medication used in the treatment of active duodenal ulcers and as maintenance therapy after the healing of a duodenal ulcer. The exact mechanism of how sucralfate aids in the healing of ulcers of the duodenum is not well understood at this time. Sucralfate's effects may be partially the result of the fact that it forms a complex with exudates on the ulcer or that it blocks the activity of pepsin in gastrin secretions. However, because duodenal ulcers are recurrent and chronic, sucralfate treatment generally will not alter the severity or healing frequency of ulcers of the duodenum.

Sucralfate - Dosage and Cost

Sucralfate is often prescribed with a regimen of sucralfate 1 g twice a day. Occasionally, the dose of sucralfate is increased at the discretion of the prescribing medical provider and sucralfate dosage adjustments are also made for elderly patients. Sucralfate is not well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and, when absorbed, sucralfate and any metabolites are excreted in the urine. Sucralfate is thought to exert its primary effects locally. Each gram of sucralfate contains up to 16 mEq of acid-neutralizing capacity. Sucralfate is moderately affordable, costing less than 50 cents for a sucralfate 1 g tablet at a number of pharmacies. Sucralfate coupons are often available online and the cost of a Sucralfate prescription may be covered by insurance. Sucralfate 1 gram tablets are typically light pink in color and oblong in shape.

Can I Buy Sucralfate Online?

Sucralfate is a prescription medication which means that one cannot just get sucralfate OTC (over the counter) or just buy sucralfate online in the US. The first step is to consult a medical provider and get a sucralfate prescription. Push Health can connect people who might need a sucralfate prescription with a licensed medical provider who can prescribe sucralfate tablets, including generic sucralfate 1 gram medication, when appropriate to do so.

Sucralfate - Side Effects

Sucralfate prescription medication use can result in side effects. Sucralfate's side effects include nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, vomiting, headache and rash. Sucralfate tablets do contain aluminum and care should be taken when given to patients susceptible to complications from aluminum ingestion. Sucralfate medication may also interact with other medications when used. Anyone with a hypersensitivity or allergy to sucralfate should not use the medication. Sucralfate and alcohol should not be used together. Before using sucralfate prescription medication, patients should discuss potential side effects with their pharmacist and medical provider.

More Sucralfate Information

Last updated July 30, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.