Jardiance Prescription Online

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Jardiance - Overview

Jardiance is a medication used as an adjunct to diet and exercise in some adults with diabetes. Push Health can connect people who might need a Jardiance prescription with licensed medical providers who can prescribe Jardiance medication, including Jardiance 10 mg and Jardiance 25 mg tablets, when appropriate to do so.

What Is Jardiance Used For?

Jardiance contains the active ingredient empagliflozin and is similar to canagliflozin (Invokana), dapagliflozin (Farxiga), and ertugliflozin (Steglatro) in that it belongs to a class of medications known as sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. SGLT2 inhibitors work by blocking the reabsorption of glucose in the glomerular filtrate in the kidneys via SGLT2 transporters. This mechanism of action results in increased glucose excretion in the urine. Jardiance is used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in some adult patients with type 2 diabetes. After oral administration, peak drug levels are reached in as little as 1.5 hours and the majority is bound in the plasma to proteins. The terminal elimination half-life of the active ingredient in Jardiance is approximately 12.4 hours. The active ingredient in Jardiance prescription medication is combined with metformin (Glucophage) to form Synjardy.

Jardiance - Dosage and Cost

Jardiance dosing is often started at Jardiance 10 mg daily in the morning and is sometimes increased to Jardiance 25 mg daily as determined by one's medical provider. Jardiance can be taken with or without food. Jardiance use can impact renal function and attention needs to be paid to eGFR while using Jardiance tablets. Jardiance is white to yellow in color and is slightly soluble in water. Jardiance is available as Jardiance 10 mg tablets and Jardiance 25 mg tablets. Jardiance tablets themselves are yellow in color, oval, film-coated and biconvex. Jardiance is expensive, costing over $20 per Jardiance 25 mg tablet when paid out of pocket. Jardiance coupons are available online and, for some people, insurance may cover the costs associated with Jardiance tablets. Jardiance tablets should generally be stored at 25° C but consult the package information for exact instructions.

Can I Buy Jardiance Online?

Jardiance is a prescription medication and one cannot simply buy Jardiance online in the US. Because of this, Jardiance OTC is not available, either. Instead, the first step is to have a consultation about Jardiance from a medical provider. Push Health connects people in need of Jardiance medication with licensed providers who can prescribe Jardiance tablets, including Jardiance 10 mg and Jardiance 25 mg medication, when appropriate to do so.

Jardiance - Side Effects

Jardiance prescription tablets can cause side effects but is well-tolerated. The most common side effects resulting from Jardiance use were urinary tract infections and yeast infections. Jardiance medication should generally not be used by people at risk for hypertension, ketoacidosis, kidney problems, or increased LDL-C levels. Jardiance and alcohol should not be used together. People with an allergy or hypersensitivity to Jardiance or ingredients in its formulation should not use it. Before using Jardiance prescription medication, it is important to discuss possible side effects with a pharmacist and medical provider.

More Jardiance Information

Last updated June 22, 2021. Given the evolving nature of medicine and science, this information might not be accurate and should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis / treatment recommendations. Please consult a licensed medical provider if you have additional questions. Please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency.